Summer in Damüls

Mountain summer in Damüls

Situated between the Bregenzwald and the Großwalsertal biosphere reserve, Damüls is the right holiday destination to relax and enjoy the unique mountain scenery and an ideal starting point for mountain hiking or biking.

The Bregenzerwald mountains are rich in discoveries. Hiking trails lead to the most beautiful places – a pure nature experience.

Bergwandern im Bregenzerwald

Gäste-Card Bregenzerwald & Großes Walsertal

The Guest-Card Bregenzerwald & Großes Walsertal is provided for a 3 days stay or longer and included in your accommodation price. The card is available from the 1st of May until 31st of October.
Services: Cable cars, public traffic, public swimming pools and many more price reductions at different partners.

more at Bregenzerwald Tourismus

Bergwandern im Bregenzerwald

Mountain hiking

300km of hiking tracks. The daily tip of Gallus is displayed at the reception. However, Bergaktiv is also providing you with a lot of tours with different levels of difficulty.

Baden im Seewaldsee


On hot days the Seewaldsee is the ideal location for a refreshment. It is located at an altitude of 1200m in between of the mountains of Großwalsertal. And don’t worry, it is not as cold as you would expect.


Mit dem Mountainbike im Bregenzerwald


Damüls-Faschina is the ideal landscape for mountainbike freaks. Gallus is happy to give you an advice for your perfect tour.

Kajak auf der Bregenzer Ach


If canyoning or raffting, GPS Caching is your perfect partner for your special outdoor adventure.

Aktiv-Zentrum Bregenzerwald

Golf im Bregenzerwald

Golf in Vorarlberg

Proof your handicap in:

More about Golf in Vorarlberg